In 2008 the second Finding of Necessity Study was completed, documenting slum and blight conditions within an additional 843 acres of the city. The adoption of the 2009 CRA Plan increased the total CRA size to 1,349 acres. The City Commission serves as the CRA Board.
Dania Beach's strategic location and affordable land prices have made it a popular destination for development, and several exciting projects are currently being built within the CRA. This growth is expected to continue, and the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic Research (BEBR) projects that more than 8,200 new residents will be added within the city limits by 2040. The majority of these new residents are expected to be located within the new development projects located within the CRA.
While Dania Beach has experienced growth, not all of its residents and neighborhoods have benefited equally. Vulnerable populations are facing the negative consequences of increased housing costs, insurance costs, utility costs, and tampered employment wages that erode personal household wealth, making it even more challenging for them to remain in place. These issues highlight the need for the Dania Beach Community Redevelopment Area Plan Update to address and alleviate the negative impacts on vulnerable populations.
This 2023 CRA Plan Update builds upon the past approved plans, memorializes past actions by reference, and includes an additional economic development emphasis to help the community more fully benefit from the changing market conditions in Dania Beach.
Guiding Principles: The guiding principles serve as a set of tenets that influence the goals and strategies of the CRA Plan Update, defining the aspirations of the Dania Beach CRA. The CRA Plan’s guiding principles are:
- Elimination of Slum and Blight
- Improvement of the Quality of Life for Current and Future Residents
- Protection of the Environment
- Improvement of the economy through retention of current businesses and attraction of new businesses with a focus on the targeted industries
- Making progress through public involvement and good governance
Goals: The CRA Plan's Goals are designed to support the Guiding Principles with specific objectives that will be implemented strategies. The CRA Plan's Goals are:
- Goal 1: Enhance and Reinforce the CRA Sub-Areas.
- Goal 2: Eliminate Substandard Housing and Provide Affordable Housing Alternatives.
- Goal 3: Redevelop the CRA in a manner that is energy efficient and sustainable.
- Goal 4: Attract the Marine Industry and help it to expand.
- Goal 5: Pursue an active marketing and public information approach to implementation of the CRA Redevelopment Plan.
- Goal 6: Support existing small businesses and attract new targeted industries with higher-wage jobs that retain and expand employment.
- Goal 7: Increase community information outreach through regular communications using multiple traditional, social media, and other compatible information streams.
CRA BOUNDARY (AREA) (ss163.335)
The CRA boundary encompasses an area (AREA) formally designated as “Slum and Blight“ by the adopted Finding of Necessities (FON) study. The “Slum and Blight“ is established by a combination of factors causing physical or economic conditions conducive to disease, infant mortality, juvenile delinquency, poverty, or crime because there is a predominance of buildings or improvements which are impaired by reason of dilapidation, deterioration, age, or obsolescence.
CRA District boundaries shown in yellow. City limits boundaries shown in red.