+81% of all businesses in Broward County have less than 10 employees!
The Dania Beach Business Academy is designed to set businesses up to succeed.
The Dania Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) believes that successful small businesses and a thriving entrepreneurial environment are the backbone of a prosperous community and provides wealth creation opportunities for our residents.
“Innovation Districts that practice inclusive innovation advance inclusive outcomes for residents living in or nearby the District and strives to build wealth via expanding the ownership of homes and businesses” - Brookings Institute
“Innovation Districts today play a key role in the economic development of cities. They attract mid- and high-income jobs, and offer opportunities for more efficient land use, movement patterns, and for better livability, and environmental outcomes.” – Urban Land Institute
Therefore, the CRA underwrites the cost of The Dania Beach Business Academy. Through the Academy, we offer free on-line webinars on topics designed to help small businesses to provide better services and be more profitable. We partner with the leading subject experts across the region, the state, and the country to provide these outstanding programs. Examples of our collaborative partners such as: SCORE Broward, Florida International University – Applied Research Center, Grow America (formerly National Development Council), the US Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), Habitat for Humanity of Broward, and Broward County - Housing Finance Division. As of 2023, the Dania Beach Business Academy served almost 2,000 entrepreneurs, from 17 states and 7 countries.
Academy Courses are 4-part series with two-hour, on-line classes, once a week for 4 consecutive weeks. Students who attend all four sessions of the course are designated Dania Beach Business Academy graduates and receive a lapel pin and graduation certificate. Our most popular courses are offered annually.
The Dania Beach Business Academy has hosted a number of incredible workshops to help you turn your "Passions to Profits" with Esssential Tools for Small Business Success!
If you missed any of the previous workshops, please watch the recordings here:
- Maximizing CRM Systems Helps Make More Money With Less Resources, presented by Danielle Major.
- Essential Tools For Business Success: Stand Out Online With Google's Tools!, presented by John Zingale.
- Essential Tools For Business Success: Plan Your Website for Online Success, presented by Jessica Baldwin.
- Essential Tools For Business Success: Plan Your Website for Online Success
- Essential Tools For Business Success: How to Use Video to Promote Your Business, presented by Mari Naranjo and Simon Coulson.
The Dania Beach Business Academy, a service provided by the Dania Beach CRA, supports business for success. The DBBA consists of four classes, held one day a week for two hours (6-8 PM) over four weeks. Those attending all four classes will be DBBA Graduates and will receive a graduation certificate, be honored by the City Commission, and be recognized on the Dania Beach CRA website. As the CRA's investment into our businesses, all classes will be offered at no cost!
Twenty-nine students of the inaugural class of the Dania Beach Busines Academy received their signed certificates and official academy lapel pins. In addition, a half page ad was reserved in the Dania Beach Press to honor all the graduates and instructors. We are looking forward to our second course in partnership with SCORE and introducing more partners and graduates to the program!
Congrats to the inaugural class!