At Home Beautification Program

Rebuilding Together Broward Partners with the Dania Beach CRA

Home Beautification Program

The purpose of the Home Beautification is to assist single-family homeowners with the financial assistance needed to enhance the street-visible appearance of their property. The Beautification Program is available to low- to moderate-income property owners within the CRA

The applicant must be the owner and occupant of a homesteaded single-family home or townhome or duplex (triplex, quadplex, apartments, and condos are not eligible). Prospective applicants must meet income eligibility requirements and their property taxes must be current and in a paid status.

Rebuilding Together’ Neighborhood Rebuild approach targets multiple qualified homes in need of repairs and rehabilitation located close together and the repair services on two to four houses on a single day. Repairs for all the homes include exterior pressure washing, minor repairs of facia board/cracks, complete exterior painting, and landscaping. For each project, Rebuilding Together recruits skilled labor, materials, and volunteers at a discounted rate or no cost, and the remaining costs incurred are funded by the CRA

To qualify for Home Beautification Program, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements: 

  • Location: The home must be located within the boundaries of the Dania Beach CRA.
  • Home Ownership: The applicant must be the owner and reside in the house as their primary living space.
  • Homeowner: The homeowner must be elderly (minimum 60 years old) and qualify as a low-income household.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: The homeowner must be committed to the ongoing maintenance of their residence as their primary living space. 
  • Tax Compliance: Property taxes on the house requiring repairs must be paid up to date.
  • House Condition: The house must be in disrepair and in need of exterior revitalization.

Contact Information:

Phone:     (954) 772-9945