Broward County Strategic Job Creation Incentive (SJCI)
The Strategic Job Creation Incentive (SJCI) is available for companies that create high wage jobs in targeted high, value‐added industries. This incentive includes refunds on sales tax impact via payroll wages. Pre‐approved applicants who create jobs in Broward County receive tax refunds per net new Broward County full‐time equivalent job created. The amount of refund and/or rebate is based on the average wage of the jobs created per year compared to the County average wage. The table below displays the four levels of rebate based on wage levels determined by the State for calendar year 2022. Average wage data is provided by the Florida Department of Commerce and are updated annually.
*A special waiver for the high impact sector of manufacturing at the County average wage has been created for $750 per job
The amount of the tax refund and/or rebate would be split 70% by Broward County and 30% by city/CRA where company chooses to locate. (On a case-by-case basis, the Dania Beach CRA will provide the required local match.) There is a cap of $1 million per single qualified applicant in all years, and no more than 25% of the total refund approved may be taken in any single fiscal year.