Planning for public art in Dania Beach began in 2009 when the City Commission adopted the Community Redevelopment Plan, which recommended establishing an art in public places program. The CRA’s Economic Development Strategic Blueprint (2012), recommended establishing an arts committee that could assist with the implementation of programs that would make Dania Beach a more artist-friendly City.
The Commission then established the Creative Arts Council Advisory Board. The role of the 11-member Council is to assist the City in identifying policies and plans for the enhancement of a vibrant, engaged arts community. The Council includes five City Commission appointees and six ad hoc members. The Council is responsible for assisting City administration in fostering a strong and vibrant cultural environment that supports a diverse program of performing and creative arts, for both residents and visitors. The Council is also charged with developing initiatives that promote the growth of creative industries and encouraging excellence in design and historic preservation.
With an arts council in place, the Commission adopted the Dania Beach Community Arts Plan (2012). The document, created for the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency, offers 10 key strategies that would contribute to economic vitality through creative placemaking, including establishing a public art program and a public art board.
In 2019, following the success of the Creative Arts Council’s Signal Box 7 public art initiative, where local artists were commissioned to create designs for traffic signal boxes located throughout the Community Redevelopment Agency’s redevelopment area, the City Commission enacted a public art ordinance. The landmark ordinance established a funding stream for public art linked to growth and development, and called for a public art plan and guidelines to ensure that the municipal program will function, thrive, and benefit the citizens of Dania Beach.
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