IP2Mkt Hospitality Technology Incubator
US Department of Energy / US Economic Development Administration
Florida International University / Dania Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
“To further the IP2Mkt mission by focusing on STEM Entrepreneurial Workforce Development, Innovation Ecosystem Development, Business Incubator and Accelerator Network, and Technology Transfer/Commercialization.”
J. Chris Ford, Ph.D. Principal Scientist, FIU Applied Research Center, announced FIU’s commitment to establish the FIU/DOE IP2Mkt Hospitality and Technology Incubator (Incubator) in Dania Beach. The Incubator has several notable characteristics:
- Incubator has direct ties to two Federal Agencies (DOE and EDA), one of which is an Executive Branch Department, is the first of its kind in the nation.
- Both DOE/EDA mandate “Inclusive Innovation” - inclusion of people in underserved communities, with a focus on minority-, women-, and Hispanic-owned businesses.
- The IP2Mkt Incubator focuses on commercializing patented technologies - a Silicon Valley style incubator unique in South Florida.
- FIU estimates the Incubator will spawn 3 – 5 new businesses each year – typically an incubated tech-based business creates 13 jobs with average wages of $79,000/year.
- The Incubator will be an economic engine to support and stimulate businesses - it will be an anchor to establish a Dania Beach Innovation District.
“Innovation Districts that practice inclusive innovation advance inclusive outcomes for residents living in or nearby the District and strives to build wealth via expanding the ownership of homes and businesses” - Brookings Institute
“Innovation Districts today play a key role in the economic development of cities. They attract mid- and high-income jobs, and offer opportunities for more efficient land use, movement patterns, and for better liveability, and environmental outcomes.” – Urban Land Institute
U.S. Department of Energy: IP2Mkt Hospitality Incubator
IP2Mkt seeks to tap the trillions of dollars of underutilized patented technologies developed by DOE Labs, Federal Labs, research institutions, and industry to foster economic development in South Florida and beyond. Located at 25 N Federal Highway, the IP2Mkt Incubator will conduct two 14-week cohorts each year in addition to SBIR/STTR application workshops, access to capital workshops, CEO training, info sessions, webcasts, networking, job fairs, and pitch competition events. Collaboration with other agencies, such as SCORE and SBDC, will provide follow up mentorship programs as requested.
The Incubator will include industrial themes related to hospitality and dual use technologies that support the COVID-impacted entertainment and tourism industries while catalyzing existing Tech, Healthcare, Defense, and Aerospace industries in Florida. The Incubator will also focus on venture capital access and readiness, a critical issue facing early-stage companies and those planning to start high tech companies.
IP2Mkt embraces DOE Equity in Energy™, designed to include and expand the participation of individuals in underserved communities to ensure America’s energy independence.
U.S. Economic Development Administration:10-IN-5 Program
IP2Mkt Technical Advisory Committee (TAB)
- Port Everglades: Glenn A. Wiltshire, Deputy Director
- Florida Power & Light: TBD
- Carnival Corporation: Marie McKenzie, Sr Vice President, Govt & Destination Affairs 4. Venture Capital: Eric Kuchova, CFO/Partner Cue Ball Capital
- Hospitality – Hotels: Dale Reed, COO Merrimac Ventures
- Developer: Daniel Dabakaroff, Director Skyland Development Group
- FL Restaurant and Lodging Assn – Broward: Rozeta Mahboubi, Reg Dir 8. Applied Technology: Marc Aptakin, CEO MAD Studios
- Healthcare: Len Quist, Sr. Vice President/General Manager Vikand Technologies 10. International: Nick Kuchova, Senior Advisor-Global Government Affairs, Vikand Technologies 11. FIU Applied Research Center: Dr. J. Chris Ford, Principal Scientist
- Dania Beach Community Redevelopment Agency: K. Michael Chen, Executive Director