Downtown Streetscape Visioning Plan for West 1st Avenue
Creating an Arts and Entertainment District, with an enhanced public realm has been a long-term goal of the CRA. The 2009 CRA Plan recommended “A redesigned NW 1st Avenue and its visual connectivity with Federal Highway may best exemplify a walkable site” and proposed a Master Plan to design an enhanced public realm for the NW/SW 1st Avenue corridor. The 2023 CRA Plan Update proposed to generally designate the areas along Federal Highway from Old Griffin Road to SE 5th Street as an Arts & Entertainment District. Further, the Plan states that activities in downtown reinforce the importance of street design and infrastructure requirements with an emphasis on an arts district concept to help improve pedestrian safety and to increase the activity of the NW/SW 1st Avenue corridor that runs parallel with S. Federal Highway.
Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. was contracted to provide professional services to develop a Streetscape Vision Plan for an Arts and Entertainment District centered along the West 1st Avenue corridor, from Stirling Road to NW 3rd Street. The objective of their scope of work is to develop a comprehensive streetscape vision plan for the central spine of the Dania CRA’s Arts and Entertainment District. The plan will integrate urban design principles, landscape architecture techniques, engineering design considerations, and create a vibrant and engaging environment for residents, visitors, and businesses, while reflecting the unique character and opportunities within the district. The conclusions of the initiative will be presented to the CRA Board in 2024.